Saturday, November 15, 2008

A promised link

YouTube - Voting for Bush

Tonight my sister was in town, and we met at our mom and dad's place for a little chat, much of which involved political matters. When I argue politics with my old man, I refer to it as poking a stick into an ant bed since both endeavors are equally productive. My mom and dad are among those aging white folks whose televisions are almost permanently tuned to Fox News Channel, since they seek a fair and balanced presentation of current events.

A few days ago I saw the YouTube video at the link, and it made an impression on me. I mentioned it to sis and told her that if I could track it down, I'd post the link on one of my blogs. She's cool and I'm pretty sure she'd dig it. So check it out, sis, and see what Barry's up against.

Added 10:40 am, Sunday 16 November -

I've been reading the Sunday newspapers online, and as usual, I checked the letters to the editor on the various editorial pages. One thing comes across very clearly - the conservatives, who didn't seem too disturbed by the waste, recklessness, and destruction of eight bush years are now cowering in the corners over the prospects of an Obama administration. Really, it would be hard to find a wimpier, wussier bunch of people than today's Republican voters.

The problem seems to stem from how the election campaign developed. Ace couldn't run on a record of GOP accomplishment, promising a continuation of peace and prosperity. He tried to run on the issue of experience, but that was rendered null and void when Wasilla Wondermom jumped into the race. Eventually, Ace's only remaining avenue to victory was convincing a majority of voters that Obama was the greatest threat to the American way of life anyone could imagine and trying to scare his way into the White House.

Republican voters, always described as "older, lower income, and less educated," are astonishingly gullible as well as wimpy. Once they're bombarded with a storyline every day by talk radio and Fox News, they accept it as truth and reality and never look back.

As for me, I have no idea how Obama's presidency will work out. My gut feeling is that the deck is stacked against him, considering the incredible mess W is leaving in his wake, so I won't be surprised if Barry leaves office with most people believing he was a disappointment. I hope he'll be successful but I'm realistic enough to understand that he'll likely have limited success at best. One thing I'm not is afraid of him. To those who are, I say grow up and get a clue.

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