I was browsing the internet today and discovered references on several blogs to the so-called Bush Legacy Project. Based on a cursory investigation it looks like Karl Rove, Karen Hughes and some other members of the old gang have organized a plan to rewrite recent history and make their former boss look like one of America's greatest presidents instead of the worst one ever. This ridiculous idea can be contemplated because Rove proved in the first W term that if something's repeated often enough, fifty percent of the idiots in this country will eventually be persuaded it's true. There are still Americans who are convinced Saddam had WMDs.
Speaking of American idiots, how about that Rick Perry ? According to an article in today's Houston paper, beloved Texas Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison is making her first tentative wiggles toward running against Ricardo in the 2010 election; Ricardo is already firing a few preemptive shots across KB's bow. Sometimes I think he lies awake at night, gazing at the ceiling and dreading the day when he has to go out and get a real job. KB isn't disgusting as Republicans go and frankly I'd like to see her wage a really brutal campaign against Perry and steamroll him, then back up and steamroll him again. Texas can't claim respectability as long as that waste of space is governor.
And speaking of wasted space it looks like O.J. Simpson is finally gonna do a little time, maybe a minimum of nine years. When he was first accused of murdering Nicole and Goldman, I was too busy with public welfare stuff to give the case much thought and initially decided the charges were bogus. As time went on and the criminal trial became the focus of American culture for weeks and weeks, I gradually concluded that he probably did it after all. By the time the jury began deliberating, I was rooting for a guilty verdict.
I guess when you commit two extremely vicious murders and get away with it, it's easy to decide the usual rules don't apply to you. O.J. should have found some way to live out his years in quiet seclusion, but he just had to keep stirring up shit instead. Maybe some prison time will quiet him down.
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