Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Another edition of Wednesday, weakly

I enjoy working the crossword puzzles in the local newspaper. The Monday puzzle is easy and I can usually polish it off in less than twenty minutes. Tuesday's a little harder, and by Wednesday I usually have to google up at least one clue. By Sunday, forget about it - the Sunday NYT puzzle is way above my pay grade, to quote a presidential candidate. Anyway, I've just discovered that several of the newspapers I read online have interactive crossword puzzles in their Living or Entertainment sections. Damn, modern technology provides some excellent stuff.

The two hottest commodities in the Republican Party today are Spaylin and Joe the Skinhead. Some of the conservative blogs are in their 'hearts fluttering' mode over Joe's latest contribution to the enrichment of American political discourse - his agreement with some interviewer's position that Obama's election means the death of Israel. Joe's had his fifteen minutes of fame, and is trying for thirty. Spaylin eclipsed Speedbump as the real GOP top gun long ago, and seems to love it when everything's about her. You have to hand it to Republicans: they really know how to elevate mediocre people into national prominence. ADDED 3:22 PM - USA Today article says Joe the Skinhead has hired a publicist and will have his book out soon, and here I sit dicking around on a blog nobody but me reads. Another literary masterpiece headed for the remainder table. Has Joe stopped to think that if McCain loses next Tuesday, his moment in the public eye is probably over ? Cash in while you still can, bud.

The latest AP poll indicates Barry has substantial leads in Colorado, Nevada, New Hampshire, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Virginia, and is head-to-head with The Bumpster in Florida and North Carolina. I'm having a hard time buying these polls, because if they're accurate we're looking at a wipeout of semi-LBJ/Goldwater proportions. Frankly, I think it's part of a vast rightwing conspiracy to steal the election by lulling Democratic voters into a stupor of complacency.

Tonight is Obama's 30-minute campaign ad, and I haven't decided whether to watch or not. I don't think I could learn anything I don't already know about Obama or what he wants to accomplish as president. Watch or not ? I'll probably let Mrs. jailbee make the call. On the other hand, I definitely want to see Rachel Maddow's interview with Barry tomorrow night. Did I mention I have a crush on Rachel ?

Added 12:22 pm: While I was sitting at the laptop checking the news, I turned on the radio to see how Rush Limbaugh was holding up under the strain. Rush was in the midst of his usual Obama critique, and used words like smug and arrogant to describe him. The irony of that fat fuck calling someone else smug and arrogant is laughable.

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