GOP's campaign script makes Palin look weak:
"reverenddj wrote: Of course the only thing that the libs are interested in is to expose Gov Palin on her views of their sacraments: abortion, environmentalism, world wide socialism, universal health care, et al. The libs are not really that interested in life, liberty or the pursuit of happiness since they want to kill babies, take away your freedoms, tax you to death, take your hard earned money and give it to someone else and make you feel downright miserable all the time. When's the last time you actually seen a lib that was happy other than when they're doped up to high heaven? I hope there are enough American voters this time around that can put the dems out on the street and send em home."
I love blogging. It's like keeping a combination diary and scrapbook. I can clip out things that interest me, paste them on these pages and save them to enjoy another time. The clipping above is the comment from some miserable frak calling himself reverend dj in reply to an editorial questioning the decision to hide Mooselini from the news media. Your typical Republican voter makes himself heard.
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