Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Gazing into a cloudy crystal ball...

I remember writing a few months ago that when W leaves office in January 2009, we'll be seeing the end of the worst presidency ever. Others may be as bad, but there'll never be one that's worse. Deep down inside, I still believe that. As I wrote at Hot Water Sandwich, all signs so far hint that Ace's administration will be a carbon copy of W's with all the bad news that entails. It will probably be just as bad, but it probably won't be worse.

Looking at the bright side, there's even a chance things'll be better. I hoped that once Ace had his party's nomination secured, he'd kick back a little and start acting like the maverick again, the 1999 version of Speedo I once cared about. That turned out to be another excursion in fantasy world. Ace is really, really old, and while he can get along without having someone chew his food for him, he's too weak and feeble to put up any resistance when somebody wants to shove him around. He'll be at the mercy of the Karl Roves and Rush Limbaughs in the GOP and whatever they want, they'll get.

So maybe things get better, but probably not. Maybe things get worse, but probably not a lot worse. Most likely, things stay about the same, at least for a while. If things don't improve, I don't want to hear any pissin' and moaning, America. You asked for it, so shut the fuck up.

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