Monday, December 9, 2024

The New Nightmare Continues (Metaphors)

One of the most famous scenes in classic literature is found in the Charles Dickens novel Oliver Twist. In the book, Oliver is a pauper boy residing in the parish work house. In the familiar scene, he has finished his allowed serving of thin gruel, but still hungry, he approaches the master and says, "Please sir, I want some more."

The result of the recent election reminded me of Oliver Twist and his behavior, and Oliver is a suitable metaphor for the pitiful dipshits whose appetite for ignorance, laziness, corruption and total incompetence remained unsatisfied (gruel being an appropriate metaphor for Demented Dookie Donhole's complete failure at first term leadership). The dipshits held out their bowls, and said "Please, sir, we want some more."

Update 11:30 PM Monday 12/09/24: One of many things we Americans need and deserve to have: Demented Dookie Donhole and Elon Muskrat, both of whom are mental cases, destroy each other. 

Dookie Donhole and E. Muskrat are both semi-psychotic narcissists, and there's not room for both of them in the top slot of the MAGA hierarchy.  

Dookie Donhole has obviously convinced himself that packing his administration with unqualified assholes who are willing to obey any order he gives them will allow him to throw out any parts of the U.S. Constitution that annoy him (e.g. the 14th amendment), and punish as criminals everyone who opposes him (e.g. Liz Cheney, Adam Schiff).  

We should start thinking about what's ahead of us as RULE BY CESSPOOL, since the executive branch will just be another deep hole full of turds.

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