Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Another trillion and nothing to show for it ?

The reasons for the current financial crisis and the proposed solutions are too complicated for me to easily comprehend. I hope that eventually I'll understand why the same people who caused the problem are being allowed to write the rules for the solution.

Goober's presidency has been one damned crisis after another; trouble follows this hole around like a puppy following its mother. Every time a crisis erupts, Goober responds by ramming some half-assed program through Congress which is how we get shit like the so-called Patriot Act and virtually all the other bad laws passed since 2001. The current plan has provisions that should kill the deal but probably won't. If the Dems had any courage, they'd hit the brakes and think this whole thing through, but unfortunately can't be relied upon to do it. Maybe the Repubs will take the initiative and bring this mess to a halt, at least long enough to clean out the nastiest parts of the plan. Once again, I'll be hoping for the best and expecting the worst.

Added 2:26 pm: Just read in USA Today that Cheney is meeting with GOP congressfolks to stress the urgency of passing Goober's plan. He's telling them it's absolutely the right thing to do, and must be done without delay. Cheney being out in front on something = flashing warning lights and sirens blaring. Don't do it !!!!

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