Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Mostly unconventional thinking

Last night, Top Gun was making another of his frequent guest appearances on Jay Leno's late night show and for the umpteenth time dragged out his "Oh please, please... pity and admire me" story about how he was a POW for five years and didn't have a house or a table or presumably a pot to piss in. Grow up and get a life, Ace. Maybe someday the rest of America will get as impatient with that hole as I am.

Mrs. Ace is heading to Georgia on a mission to assess the civilian casualty situation there. First houses, now this. I guess we know who wears the pants in that family. Mrs. Ace: war zone. Ace: The Tonight Show.

Mrs. Clinton's speech at the Dem convention is tonight. I watched Mrs. Obama last night, so I'll probably watch Hillary tonight. I'm not looking forward to four years of Speedo, but there's a little comfort in the thought that his win in November should be the final nail in the coffin of the Clintons as a dominant force in their party. A lot of Hillary's supporters are already dreaming about her next run in 2012, but if I were betting, I'd bet that old cropduster never gets off the ground. Blowing the opportunity of a lifetime in 2008 almost certainly means the Dems can write off the White House until at least 2020.

The Iraqi government insists on setting a firm timetable for the end of the American military occupation, and I think our real reasons for invading will soon be exposed. Not that most Americans will be paying much attention, or care one way or another.

The term values voters is the classic example of misleading nomenclature, and thinking about them pisses me off. They gave us eight years of Jorge and will soon give us four years of Speedo. Nobody said life was fair; if it was, only the values voters would have to live with the consequences of their stupidity. In the real world, we all do.

I need to read more about it, but apparently Denver law enforcement folks have arrested some guys who wanted to take out Obama with a rifle Thursday night. Based on their mug shots, these guys look like the types who'd decide that was a cool idea but don't have the smarts to pull the job off.

Added 10:36 pm, August 26th:

I just finished watching Mrs. Clinton's speech, and thought it was almost as good as Mrs. Obama's last night. Whether her disappointed followers will heed the call and get behind Obama remains to be seen; when it comes to swallowing the bitter pill and falling in line behind the designated leader, the Repubs are vastly superior to the Dems. Call me the next time you hear any Repubs saying they'll vote for Obama because they don't like Speedo; I'll be waiting by the phone. Being politically conservative and seeking the comfort of strict regimentation go hand in hand, so the Repubs have a huge built-in advantage in presidential elections. But Hillary said all the right things, and even got in a few shots at Speedo himself. If Barry's lucky, Hillary will take this act on the road. Every time she opens her mouth for the next two months, there'll be cameras and a media entourage nearby to record her statements for TV and the internet, and I'd personally enjoy hearing her go to work on Ace's groin area, removing the few remaining vestiges of his masculinity.

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