Saturday, August 23, 2008

Just Biden my time

According to the Saturday AM blog check, Sen. Joe Biden is the Dem veepstakes winner. Since it's all academic anyway, I'm fine with that selection. What's interesting is that the Repubs got a negative ad out immediately featuring Biden saying nice things about Ace and critical things about Barry. Excerpts from the Dem debates, and just the kind of crap I expect from Rove.

As I recall, the Repubs also had a contentious primary for a few months. I'm sure there's video floating around showing Willard saying negative stuff about Speedo, and if the Dems are smart they're already getting the ads ready to put up.

Added 5:58 pm on 23 August: Still blog-hopping, and some posters are saying the Biden ad referred to above indicates Willard is off Ace's list, since choosing him now would leave Ace vulnerable to the same kind of ads he wants to use against Obama. Hmm... maybe so, but that's probably giving the Wild Rove-ers running Speedo's shop credit for more analytical ability than they actually have. I doubt Ace has the intestinal fortitude to go against the party grain. The one-time maverick is just another gelding these days. Go ahead, Ace, prove me wrong. I dare you.

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