Tuesday, August 19, 2008


We're almost at the point in the presidential election campaign when things start being certified as official. The Dem convention is right around the corner, and both candidates are presumably getting ready to announce their VP selections.

None of the Dems being mentioned as possibilities give me an energy boost. Since Obama will lose (margin of defeat to be determined), it'll be best if he's paired with a nonentity rather than someone with encouraging future prospects. Some people are still speculating about Wes Clark, and although I like Wes better than any other Dem, I'd rather not see him buying a ticket on the Titanic. Somebody like Biden would be okay, since he's not going anywhere anyway.

Ace's VP choice is the one that counts. More than likely that'll be the dude I need to worry about in 2012 if, as I suspect, Ace's parts wear out and he surrenders after one term. According to some of the more prominent political blogs, there are still hints coming from Ace's organization that he'd like to pick a moderate like Tom Ridge. Moderate in Repub-speak means pro-choice. Ridge ain't no stroll in the park, but he'd be head and shoulders above any of the other GOP bottomfeeders and nightcrawlers listed as prospects. There's just one big problem: Speedo used up whatever courage he was born with years ago in Vietnam. In August 2008, he's just the cheapest of the cheap political whores, willing (as Sam Peckinpah once said) to go wherever he's kicked. Ace is too chickenshit to do anything daring that might get the evangelunicals in a snippy mood. I'm gearing up psychologically for a really crappy pick: Dick Cheney-Willard Romney crappy. Totally crap-tacular.

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