Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Shots fired at random

Is it just me, or has anyone else noticed Rick Perry is always doing things that make it look like he can be bought at bargain rates ?

There's some internet whispering that Rep. Chet Edwards should be considered for the VP slot on the Dem ticket. Back in the days when The Waste of Oxygen (Tom DeLay) and the state legislature were trying to redistrict Democrats out of office, I wound up with Chet Edwards as my congressional representative. Edwards is a typical Texas Dem, meaning that in Vermont he'd be a Republican. Still, he's an improvement over the steady stream of vermin, nightcrawlers and lowlifes that are usually elected in my district and put me in a taxation without representation mindset.

My choice for the Dem VP spot is Colin Powell. In 2000, Powell and Ace McCain were at the very top of my short list of Good Republicans. I was disappointed when Powell accepted the Secretary of State position in Jorge's first term, because I was sure Jorge would ruin him the way he spoils everything else he touches. Sure enough, Powell played the loyal general and gave Cheney's war a credibility it would've lacked otherwise.

After Powell had served his purpose, Cheney gave him the boot and he's maintained a low profile since then. Now I think he'd be perfect as Barry's running mate. The number of exploding heads in Alabama and Mississippi alone would make it worthwhile. Obama-Powell would be Change I Can Believe In, the worst nightmare of redneck shitpokes.

Rush Limbaugh, the ugly stain in America's underwear, just got a contract extension and a big pay raise. I've read the new contract is in nine figures, indicating there's a huge market for the shit Limbaugh's selling. Any country with a huge market for Rush Limbaugh should surrender the delusion it occupies a position of superiority in the scheme of things.

A market research firm recently completed a survey with one surprising implication: There's been a big increase in sales of online porn since the tax rebate checks started hitting the mail. Was this what Congress had in mind when they passed that bill ? Oh well, just another example of our tax dollars at work.

According to the noise factory, Ace's experience as a POW in Hanoi for five years is one of his top qualifications as prospective CIC. If the experience made such an impression on him, why is he now voting for some of the prisoner treatment techniques we're hearing about ? Ace 2008 looks more like Kerry 2004 every day, flip-flops and all. Meanwhile, he whines and whines about Obama's flip-flops. Gimme a break, Ace.

According to a new Gallup poll (reported in USA Today), sixty percent of Americans believe that a person's patriotism can be determined by their US flag lapel pin. This is the kind of deep thinking that keeps the country in trouble.

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