Monday, June 30, 2008

Wes faces the nation

YouTube - Gen. Wes Clark on Face the Nation June 29, 2008

On the internet, it's always a simple matter of seek and ye shall find. It took about 30 seconds to locate the video of Wes Clark's controversial "smackdown" of Johnny Ace mentioned in the preceding post. If this comment is what has rightwing hearts fluttering, they're bigger wimps than the Dems. The probable explanation is that they're just putting on the usual dog-and-pony show because they know the media idiots, who have a big crush on Ace, will fall for it and eat it up with a spoon.

And on the subject of media idiots, I don't watch Sunday morning news shows so I don't know for sure, but Bob Schieffer may be the most overrated network dootch-bag since Russert.

Added Tuesday, July 1st: The more I contemplate this horse manure, the angrier I get. I'll remember this the next time the news media folks start whining about how they need special protections like shield laws so they can defend freedom and democracy in this great nation. Sheeee-it. These people are incredibly lazy and shallow, and are rapidly reaching the point that they serve no purpose whatsoever except to keep things needlessly stirred up.

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