Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Crazier than a shithouse rat

Donnie Hump is angry because Bernie Sanders got so much favorable attention on Fox News? Worth reading this item at AlterNet for a clear picture of what insanity looks like.

Added 4:06 PM Wednesday: There are arguments among Democrats today over the wisdom of Democratic candidates appearing on Fox News (town hall meetings, debates, etc). Some observers apparently watched Bernie Sanders get a little applause and believe that now, everybody should be on Fox News.

Bernie is not a Democrat, making him irrelevant as a 2020 nominee as far as I'm concerned. Here's another news bulletin: There aren't ten devoted followers of the orange piss stain in the whole country who are going to vote for Bernie, even if he's on Fox News every hour from now until Thanksgiving. Bernie will take more votes from the eventual Democratic nominee than he'll ever take from Hump (see 2016).

If Democrats think they can win in 2020 by converting disciples of Donnie (people who depend on Fox News for information), they're nuts. They'll win if their ticket and their platform produce energy, excitement and enthusiasm among voters, especially
  • those voters who sat out the 2016 election,
  • Bernie supporters who ended up voting for Hump, and 
  • voters who picked Jill Stein over Hillary.
They may be able to switch some Republicans, but none who are locked into Fox News propaganda.

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