Friday, July 26, 2024

She's Coming for Him

 When Joe folded his hand and MVP moved up with a pair of aces showing, the whole political environment changed for the Waste of Turds (W/T), who now has the forward momentum of a beached whale.

MVP has experience prosecuting criminals and she ain't even a tiny bit afraid of the Waste of Turds. People are ridiculing him and calling him chickenshit because he's inventing lame excuses for skipping the debate scheduled to be aired on ABC. 

Being treated as a joke is hard for a malignant narcissist, so he's in a panic after FBI Director Christopher Wray told a hearing the insignificant injury to W/T's right ear could have been caused by a shard of glass. I'd be willing to bet five bucks that no rifle bullet came within 0.75 inches of his head since he was playing golf without even a band-aid on his "wounded" ear the day after the shooting incident, and he's refused to produce any substantiating report(s) from the physician(s) who treated him.

W/T is generally considered a draft-dodging weakling whose aggressiveness is always directed against women, so he wants everyone to believe that surviving any type of minor head wound makes him heroic.

Watch the fate of J.D. Vance, who's getting a reputation as a serious liability instead of the asset W/T expected.

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