Saturday, June 1, 2024

Malfunctioning MAGA Monkeys

 Closing observations after an eventful week in New York:

Right-wing MAGA news channels are doing anything they can to deliver this message to their brain-dead audience: If you're a member of a jury that finds 34/34 guilty of any felony, you're risking your life because someone will want to kill you.

Rep. Mike Johnson is as close to a two-gallon bucket of dried dog turds as any other MAGA maniac in Congress. When he says the Waste of Shit being found guilty on all 34 counts proves the American justice system in our democracy has been destroyed, he's completely wrong. An acquittal on any single charge would have represented a minor failure at most, but acquittal on all of them would have been a disaster.

When Mike suggests that he'll persuade the Extreme Court, based on his cordial personal relationships with shitbirds like Sammy Alito and Clearance Sale Thomas among others, to overrule the New York court and exonerate the Waste of Shit, he's a prime example of massive failure requiring immediate termination of any government service. When 34/34 took charge of the former GOP, he made the entire party a shelter for corrupt mental defectives.

MAGA media and MAGA maniacs want everyone to believe that 34/34's conviction will be a huge boost to his campaign. Okay, he's definitely using the verdicts as a fund-raising issue, but he uses everything as a fund-raising gimmick. And for the record, any voter who tells a pollster he/she will vote for the Waste of Shit because he's now a convicted felon was always going to vote for him because he/she is a goddamned idiot.

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