Saturday, April 18, 2020

Quarantine Notes, Day 34

From what I've been reading, it appears we're about to see another clusterfuck in which various states start loosening the rules in efforts to pump up the economy at the risk of jacking up the public health crisis as well. So what should I expect? Personally, I don't give a good goddamn what the worthless political hacks running this state say, and I'll keep playing by the current rules as long as necessary. I imagine a lot of folks in my socioeconomic group will do the same, since "reopening" will probably result in more COVID-19 rather than less. Any boost to the economy will probably be temporary, and will last only as long as it takes for reality deniers to get the picture.

Added 2:09 PM: I can look at photos taken at those "protest rallies" held in Michigan and a few other states, and see that about 70 percent of the assholes participating won't be heading back to high-paying professional jobs when the "reopening" finally occurs. Plenty of beards and beer guts to go with the guns in those crowds. The only good thing about the protests is that the losers participating in them are totally expendable.

How many total losers can you spot in this picture?
Hint: Size of weapon is inversely proportional to intellect.

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