Friday, October 25, 2019

The Real Witch Hunt

We've been seeing these TV reality show-based stunts for nearly three years, but Donny Strunz returns to them again and again because it's all he knows. When the pressure builds and he feels everything slipping away, Strunz invariably seizes the attention of the national news organizations by announcing something so outrageous it can't be ignored. There's usually a short-term two-for-one payoff. For 36 hours or so, the press is not talking about the bad news that will bring him down. Instead, the discussion focuses on Strunz wielding the awesome power he alone possesses to destroy some treasured national institution. Not only is the media distracted, but his mortal enemies (Democrats) retreat in panic and despair.

Knowledgeable witnesses are parading into House committee meetings to share information that should severely damage his reelection chances, and most of the media commentary involves speculation about the depth of the shit Strunz is buried in. He loses another court case. Suddenly, just like clockwork, the White House feeds a story to the New York Times saying corrupt AG Booger Barr is opening a criminal investigation that will prove Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, the FBI, and the CIA are the real villains in the 2016 election scandal.

This tired old stunt looks like the kind of thing that typically blows up in Strunz's face, and I expect that after the Washington press gnaws on the story for a few days, the "investigation" will quietly fade from the headlines. Those of us paying attention already know why a counterintelligence investigation of Strunz and his ties to Russia was opened during the 2016 campaign. Unless Booger is a bigger idiot than he seems to be, he knows the reasons, too. The last thing he wants is more IC whistleblowers giving depositions to Adam Schiff's committee during the 2020 campaign. The truth is something he wants to keep buried.

So there's a report that the AG has ordered criminal investigations of the people Strunz and his followers hate most of all. In Deplorable Donny World, everyone can celebrate for a while because this new conspiracy theory is the best one ever!

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