Sunday, October 20, 2019

Any good ones left?

There's an excellent editorial in USA Today this morning, and it should be studied by every (R) politician, and most (R) voters.

The biggest mistake in U.S. history was installing Donny Strunz as so-called precedent (sic) while the (R)s controlled Congress. Strunz is the kind of asshole who would be a serious problem even under tight restraint, but when both the House and Senate decided he was a normal president and either ignored or applauded his evil, incompetence, and corruption for two full years, they were just asking for it.

The Strunz may be the worst spoiled brat ever born. Every time he gets away with a crime, his immediate thought is to see if he can get away with a worse one on his next try. The lessons he learned in 2017-2018 were all the wrong ones.

During my lifetime, there have been good Republicans. Unfortunately, it seems like there have been fewer of them every year since Nixon was elected in 1968. At this point, I can't name a single (R) in Congress that I'd describe as a good person, much less a good (R). The worst ones are the lowest of the lowest scum on earth. Over the next year, I'll find out if I've misjudged any of them.

This is an excerpt taken from a recent Strunz tweet:
"I thought I was doing something very good for our Country by using Trump National Doral, in Miami, for hosting the G-7 Leaders. It is big, grand, on hundreds of acres, next to MIAMI INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT, has tremendous ballrooms & meeting rooms..."
 He was TRYING TO BE GOOD, but we wouldn't let him (always playing the victim card). Maybe a lot of voters who never heard the word "emolument" before will begin to think about it now.

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