Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Chronic Lies

It creates numerous problems when the most powerful government official in the world is a pathological liar. The best thing I can say about Donny Guano is that he's such a compulsive liar, I can be sure the truth is the complete opposite of whatever he's saying (or tweeting) at least 99.99 percent of the time. The .01 percent of the time when a Guano statement (or tweet) might contain an element of truth is when Donny is reading words written for him by someone else from a teleprompter, or when one of his subordinates tweets something using Donny's Twitter account ID. In the extremely rare instances when factually correct statements are being read (or tweeted), there will be visual or audible clues that it's happening (e.g., Donny's obvious boredom, or the use of big words in a tweet that aren't in his vocabulary).

If Donny says he's doing something, he's not doing it. If he says he didn't do something, he did it. If he says it's right, it's wrong. If he says it's bad, it's good, etcetera, etcetera...

Most politicians are skillful at strategic lying when circumstances require them to fudge the truth, and most of them will tell the truth if it won't cost them a significant number of votes. The Dark Age of Covfefe is the first time since I began following politics that we've had a so-called precedent (sic) who lies even when the truth would serve him better, and who lies even when irrefutable proof he's lying can be produced in a matter of minutes.

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