Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Chosen? By whom?

I see Squats & Shits has a fresh scam in the works, one that meshes with his egomania, delusions of grandeur, and narcissism. This is something we've seen from the 3rd rate TV reality show bozo numerous times already: He says (or tweets) something really fucked up and outrageous ("I am the chosen one" for example). Then he waits to see how it plays with his (R) base and the media.

Usually the cult members go along with any goddamn thing he says (and in this case, many of those fucking idiots already think he's on a mission from god). So he waits to see if there's any media backlash. If there is, he immediately slides into escape mode: The fake media are (a) lying, or (b) twisting his words, or (c) misunderstood what he really said, or (d) just can't take a joke.

Something like this happened with the asinine "Let's buy Greenland" scam, which predictably blew up in his face. He'll go with "I'm the chosen one" until the public ridicule becomes intolerable. Let's hope it does, and soon.

Added 5:47 PM: He's bad-mouthing Jews? Well, why not? It worked for Hitler in Germany. 

Bottom line: He won't stop doing this shit as long as he thinks there's a chance he can get away with it. The one (only) thing he understands is media manipulation.

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