Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Notes re: Latest Bullshit

Donny Motherfucker. Address from White House, nationally televised in prime time on major networks. Plans to declare national emergency, will use the army to build the Great Wall of Donald. Did not watch, but saw clips on Rachel Maddow and Lawrence O'Donnell shows. Here's what I learned:

Nothing in speech about national emergency. Just same old horseshit, barely revised since summer of 2016. Why did networks fall for this shit again? Lawrence said it was The Motherfucker's first televised speech of his 2020 reelection campaign.

Breaking news from Rachel Maddow regarding plenty of fresh evidence supporting conspiracy between Donny's campaign and the Russians. Paul Manafort sharing information that could be used to target election interference efforts, revealed because his lawyers didn't redact germane sections of documents.

Was Donny informed ahead of time about this fresh dirt implicating him in conspiracy with Russians to steal the election? Does that explain the urgency of his demand for national network coverage of his tired old speech? Would it explain why he was hyping the national emergency angle, getting the public all stressed out and building suspense for the show? We've seen these half-assed distractions before, many times. The gimmick is more obvious and less effective every time he tries it again.

Lawrence reveals tonight's TV show was a setup to con the ignorant rubes into donating money, supposedly for the wall, that really goes to Donny's campaign (see fund-raising emails sent before and after the show). Everything The Motherfucker does looks like third-rate reality TV and the kind of scams that televangelists specialize in to separate fools from their hard-earned dough.

Added 10:54 AM Wednesday: Why does he do it? BECAUSE HE CAN.

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