Sunday, June 3, 2018

Today's question

If the founding fathers believed the president should have the divine rights and absolute power of a royal monarch, why did they fight the American revolutionary war? Somebody needs to ask Rudy Tootie to explain that.

I believe getting out of the current predicament is going to require that things get a lot worse for a lot of people before they can start to get better. That's unfortunate, but I don't see any way around it. I've read that leaders of other countries are planning retaliatory tariffs designed to inflict maximum pain on areas in the United States that strongly support Donnie Diddlysquat. I hope it's true.

The following is an excerpt from a June 2nd Forbes article:
"Mexico said it will retaliate with similar penalties on American lamps, pork, fruit, cheese and flat steel. Canada announced that tariffs on $12.8 billion in U.S. exports will start in July. Europe set retaliatory tariffs - 25% on American products such as motorcycles, denim, cigarettes, peanut butter, whiskey, orange and cranberry juice. 
This seemingly random list of products is not so random. They are targeted to hit Trump’s base in states like Wisconsin and Kentucky, the home states of the Republican leadership including House Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell."
Updated 4:30 PM Tuesday 5 June: Well, we saw this coming, didn't we?

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