Moral degenerate Bill O'Reilly finally burned so many bridges that even a shithole like Fox News had to cut him loose. He'll leave with numerous millions, and will probably be offered a position in Fatso's administration. But like Bill Cosby, he'll mainly be remembered as a rotten asshole. In Cosby's case, that's sad. In O'Reilly's case, it makes me laugh.
Rep. Jason Chaffetz of Utah is preparing to end his career in the U.S. House. There's speculation on the Internet that his name may have popped up in the federal investigation of Fatso's Russian connections, which could disrupt several political careers when all's said and done. Whatever. Beat it, you little rat-faced fuck.
The best thing that could happen for this country is for the Democratic Party to win a majority in either the House of Representatives or the Senate (or ideally, both) in 2018. There's one thing that could make it possible, and that's for the so-called precedent (sic) and the Republicans in Congress to start fucking Fatso's remaining supporters where it really hurts. For reasons that aren't obvious or easily explained, it seems like they're determined to do it.
Thanks, Big Chief Shitting Bull. You fucking idiot.
Added 11:42 PM same day: And how about that Mike Pence. Is he a pussy or what?
Added 11:02 AM Friday 21 April: Huffington Post provides as good an explanation as any I've seen for the refusal of House Republicans to let Trump Care die quietly.
Thanks, Big Chief Shitting Bull. You fucking idiot.
Added 11:42 PM same day: And how about that Mike Pence. Is he a pussy or what?
Added 11:02 AM Friday 21 April: Huffington Post provides as good an explanation as any I've seen for the refusal of House Republicans to let Trump Care die quietly.
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