Monday, August 8, 2011

Is the suspense unbearable for you ? Same here.

Talking Points Memo reports that El Perrito will use a speaking engagement in South Carolina to announce his... wait, not actually ANNOUNCE but make clear he's entering the GOP primary race.

If you need proof that America's in the shithouse, the thought of El Perrito as the next president should be sufficient. The goddamned Republicans have a candidate in Huntsman that I could probably tolerate off and on for four years, maybe longer. That motherfucker hasn't got a prayer and may even have dropped out for all I know. Or Mittenful, who should have things sewn up by now considering he's competing with dipshits and assholes, but can't close the deal -- and is on the brink of seeing his political career flame out once and for all. Mittenful would've been formidable as a conservative Democrat, but there's no fucking room in the universe for a moderate Mormon Republican.

I wasn't crazy about Obama in 2008, and in one of the lobes of my brain I nursed hopes he'd lose because the next president was sure to sink in the cesspool GWBush, Cheney and Rove were leaving behind. I was gearing up for four years of President McCain when he brought Palin on board. Shit... fucked by a Republican again.

I expect El Perrito and Bachmann will fight it out for evangelunical and tea party primary votes, while Mittenful runs around on the sidelines making an asshole out of himself to attract attention and stay above water a little longer. Herman the pizza guy, Pawlenty and the other non-entities will slide back into obscurity, wondering why they bothered in the first place. Meanwhile, I'll rationalize another vote for Obama because the alternative will be too goddamned nauseating to think about.

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