Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Packing heat over lattes

I've been in a Starbucks location twice in my life. The first time was to buy a gift card for my bro in Houston, the second to try redeeming a gift card from my sis in Austin. When it comes to Starbucks, I'm basically out of the loop and that's why I had to Google "starbucks handguns" to discover the point of the Doonesbury comic strips I've been reading this week.

Apparently the gun crazies decided to provoke a fight by wearing their pistols openly when they went in to buy their four-dollar cups of java, their assumption being that Starbucks is a liberal outfit that would ban them, giving the organized gun nuts something else to bitch about. The company, demonstrating the acumen that enabled it to become a giant in the "cuppajoe" industry, instead announced its locations would comply with whatever state and local gun regulations permitted.

Personally, I would prefer that Texas was an "open carry" state --- in fact, if it were up to me, Texans would be required to wear their pistolas in open view rather than concealing them. I like the attitude Starbucks has shown, and admire them for not stepping into the trap. I still believe their coffee is beyond my limited budget, but if you don't see me in Starbucks, it won't be because their gun policies offend me.

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