According to the news item, Ricardo has agreed to two debates while K. Bay dithers and maybe wants one debate. The only thing the GOP primary next year will establish is the percentage of Texans who are absolutely beyond hope and redemption. Those will be the ones voting for Ricardo. Republicans who haven't sunk completely into the dark waters of right-wing insanity will vote for K. Bay. We already know the winner of their deathmatch will get the usual 60 percent in the general election, but I want to know how much of that is just the conservative version of "voting for the lesser of two evils."
Added 11:14 am, same day: Kathleen Parker is an anomaly. She's a conservative columnist who occasionally writes something interesting or something that doesn't completely piss me off. She was among the first conservatives to warn that Sarah Palin was a trainwreck waiting to happen, and her column at the link concerns southern influences on the GOP. Parker will eventually write something that'll cause me spit up like my grandson does, but today she's making sense.
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