Sunday, August 23, 2009

Lighten Up

In the old days, when Cheney and Rove were running things, I spent time at a website called Democratic Underground, where I could usually find anything I needed to know about the latest outrage in a matter of minutes. Tonight, I dropped in again just to see what's being discussed on their message board, and found a thread ridiculing some fucking teabagger who was spotted carrying a poster reading "Leave my lightbulbs alone."

I assume this worthless shitpoke was protesting the regulations in home lighting technology that are currently being implemented. I started using a combination of incandescent bulbs and CFLs a few years ago, after seeing a CFL display and demonstration at an Earth Day event in my community. I'll be the first to admit that CFLs require some getting accustomed to, they're still fairly expensive in the short run, and properly disposing of them can be a hassle. On the other hand, they use less energy and last a lot longer than conventional bulbs. Okay -- there are positives and negatives, so is this an issue I need to paint a sign and join a rally over ? I think not. Fucking teabag people need to be locked up somewhere to keep their perpetual idiocy from spreading like a contagious disease and infecting decent people.

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