I've been trying to cut Republicans a little slack this year. For the eight years that W. was in the White House, I spent part of every day (a) mad as hell, or (b) depressed, or (c) frustrated, or (d) all of the above. I never came to terms with the idea that 600 anti-Castro Cubans in Miami were responsible for helping him carry Florida. It pissed me off that a complete waste of space like Clarence Thomas cast the deciding vote in the Supreme Court case. Every dollar and human life wasted in Iraq totally chapped my ass.
Having suffered through those eight years, and finally being unburdened in January, I've tried to be patient and understanding with Republicans who are just starting to get their dose of the bitter pills I swallowed for 96 fucking months. As Clinton might've said, I feel their pain. But empathy notwithstanding, these birther motherfuckers are crossing the line.
The birthers are Republican bottomfeeders challenging the legality of Obama's election since he hasn't produced a birth certificate that meets their particular standards. Birthers claim that since he hasn't proven he's a citizen, he can't be president. One military officer even refused orders to Iraq based on some birther rationale.
Republicans are about Limbaugh, Sarah Palin, Joe the Plumber, teabag parties, Texas secession, and now the birther movement. I've had it with them and their foolishness.
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