The economic stimulus legislation continues to dominate the "front pages and headlines" of every online newspaper I see. The Republican party has given us George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Tom DeLay, Karl Rove, Rick Perry, Sarah Palin, Mitch McConnell, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Grover Norquist, and Ann Coulter (to name but a few of thousands of bottomfeeders), but has yet to give us an extended period of workable government. Republicans aren't good at digging new wells to provide fresh water; they just keep drinking from the same old wells until they run dry. To make things worse, they encourage people to drink at their old wells by poisoning as many new ones as possible.
One thing I hear Republicans on AM radio saying repeatedly is that government has never created a single job. I spent my entire working life in jobs that were created by government, and I paid income and payroll taxes on every dollar earned. Nearly all of what remained after taxes was pumped back into the economy, so whenever I hear that conservative cliche I roll my eyes. Now, if you want to argue that government never created any high-paying easy jobs you might have a point.
Anyway, the Republicans are still trying to poison the wells, but if we'll drink from their wells instead, it'll be ponies, ice cream cones, and free haircuts for everybody !
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