Other letters News for Dallas, Texas Dallas Morning News Opinion: Letters:
It's Palin for me, by golly
Take away the 'you betcha,' the 'by golly' and the pretty face, and what do you have left? You have an extremely intelligent woman who is a breath of fresh air that America so needs.
I was an undecided voter until watching the vice presidential debate. As I listened to Sarah Palin's intellect and folksiness, I knew which campaign wagon to jump on. She is one of us, and I will be voting the John McCain ticket in November.
You diehard liberals who would vote for anyone as long as they are Democrats, keep making your jokes. You are only making Ms. Palin stronger.
Robert Kimball, Midlothian
The preceding is a letter from the editorial page of today's Dallas News, and illustrates again the limitations of many north Texas residents. Kimball identifies himself as an undecided voter until he was captivated by Spaylin's awesome intellect, which he follows with a reference to "You diehard liberals." That sends the needle on my bullshit meter off the dial. Hey, dickwad... just admit you're another lowbrow Texas Republican who gets horny when he sees Palin on the television set.
Added 2:28 pm, Saturday 11 October:
Absolute best thing seen on internet today: Sarah Palin = Darth Mater
I know this knucklehead. I asked him for directions once and he said, “you can’t get there from here.”