Friday, September 12, 2008

Hot Chick Jazzes Up Party

Columnists on the right and left are criticizing Obama for confronting Sweet Pea's presence in the campaign head on. According to these wisemen, it demeans Obama to appear critical of the Pea. Oh, bullshit. The problem with the media is they treat us all like idiots who aren't paying attention.

The title of this post is the wording I'd expect to see in some newspaper headline. The simple facts of the matter are that Palin is for all intents and purposes the head of the GOP ticket, and should be treated as such.

Ace, in the months BS (before Sarah), was just another old fool without enough sense to get out of the way. Whatever support he had derived largely from the fact he wasn't Obama, and it probably would've been enough to get him elected. When Spaylin was added to the mix, it was like a massive injection of the American Idol factor. See ? See ? Any average American can become a STAR if they're photogenic and have a little stage presence. The people who can barely keep up suddenly had someone they could vote FOR, instead of just someone to vote AGAINST.

So on the GOP side, Spaylin is The Star, just like Obama is on the Dem side. If she decided to say to hell with it and headed home to Moosebutt, Alaska, the crater in the GOP would make those on the moon look like thimbles in comparison. Ace would go back to being that sick old guy who's always in the way, and the news media covering his campaign would go back to trimming their fingernails.

As long as Ace is peeking out from behind Spaylin's skirt, Obama needs to take her on man-to-man. He can't afford to ignore America's newest media creation.

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