Thursday, July 31, 2008

Deja vu all over again

The more things change, the more they stay the same. Or something like that.

Top Gun's campaign ads about Obama's decision not to visit the wounded troops in German hospitals have been getting a lot of media attention, particularly if you consider cable news and AM radio the media. Now there are reports surfacing that had Obama decided to go ahead with the visits as originally planned, Top Gun's staff had a second set of ads ready that would criticize him for exploiting the troops in a campaign stunt. Bottom line: Ace was gonna try to tear Obama a new hole regardless of what he did. This is a textbook example of Karl Rove-style campaign strategy.

In 2000, we got a new administration. Two of its principal characters were old, ultra-conservative white guys with years and years of Washington tenure. Cheney and Rumsfeld were the voices of experience telling Jorge how things were gonna be. Cheney decided what needed to be done and Rove told him how to do it for maximum political advantage. W gets most of the blame for the shitpiles on the rug and deserves it, but when all the big disasters were being planned in 2001-2003, the real planners were Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Rove. Aging white guys with thinning hairlines and bad ideas.

The more I see of Top Gun's drive to the White House, the more it looks like a trip I've already taken; it's what some people call a real pisser. But America always gets what it asks for.

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