Thursday, June 5, 2008

Yellow Teeth, Crisco Hair

In the 36 hours or so since Barry was proclaimed winner of the Dem nomination, the political news has been fairly bland. I did see an item about Willard Romney's emerging status as Top Gun's likely running mate. Now, you talk about your Dynamic Duo. The main thing those two have in common today is their tendency to shapeshift, both of them trying to minimize or abandon the positions that made them attractive to moderate voters in years past. To put it politely, both of them are definitive Political Whores who'll willingly crawl for a few votes here and there.

I don't like Willard. I used to think he was tolerable as far as Republicans go, but his whoring in the GOP primary really turned me off. There's something oily about him that gives me the creeps, plus there's that Eddie Haskell quality I wrote about a few months back on one of the blogs. Since I see Top Gun as a one-and-done prospect, I don't really want Willard in position to slide over into the driver's seat in 2012. Of course, in all honesty, I can't think of any Repub that I want to see running the country, unless the Dems have veto-proof majorities in the House and Senate.

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