Saturday, May 24, 2008

Another bogus controversy

There are things that combine to keep me almost perpetually angry, and near the top of the list are the mainstream news media, or MSM as they're known on the internet. There was a time when the media took their responsibilities seriously and served the country well, but they've been getting lazy over the years, and are currently next to worthless.

The latest example of media silliness is the controversy being whipped up over comments made yesterday by Mrs. Clinton in an interview. She referred to the fact that her husband was still campaigning for his nomination in mid-June 1992, and that Robert Kennedy was assassinated in June 1968 while in the midst of his campaign.

The topic Mrs. Clinton was being questioned about was the pressure on her to wrap it up and terminate her campaign, and she was clearly trying to make a point that she saw no need to end her campaign prematurely, that other notable Democratic campaigns have lasted well into June. If her point was that obvious to me, why are paid media professionals having so much trouble with it ? This is the kind of bogus controversy I've learned to expect from the MSM. There are good reasons to criticize Hillary, but her alleged gaffe isn't one of them.

When you consider the number of voters who are plain ignorant, and the number who rely on media sources like television and daily newspapers for information, the election results we get shouldn't come as a big surprise.

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