Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Another macho man heard from

Reply to kayoz added 11:41 am:

I don't have anything against Bruce Willis. I like him despite the fact that he leans much further to the right politically than I do. I refer to him here because he's devoted a career to playing the hero in action movies, and his character is usually so hypermasculine that he's able to kill numerous villains while dodging thousands of bullets, explosions, and other health hazards, finally emerging a little tired, sweaty, and scratched up, but otherwise in fine shape. See any one of the "Die Hard" movies as an example.

Texas men who spend too much time watching this stuff are aroused by a portrayal of toughness and courage they'll never personally experience (which actually exists only in the movies.) Realizing the vast gulf between their own lives and the Bruce Willis/Mel Gibson ideal standards of American masculinity, they drift into online forums and start churning out the kind of stuff I copied below. My thinking is this: Don't write about it, DO IT. Or shut up about it.


From comments on Democratic primary:

"Haha. Mrs. Bill Clinton or Barry Osama, either one will lose bigtime in the general election to McCain. While McCain isn’t my favorite, he’s the best of the remaining candidates to lead this country through the many years remaining in the war on terror. Think the war on terror is a myth? Just pray that Barry or Hillary don’t get elected. Otherwise, 9/11-type attacks will become commonplace in the United States. See, Hillary and Barry don’t give a whit about protecting Americans from muslim jihad. Plain and simple. The jihad isn’t going away until we kick their asses back into the stone age, just as Richard the Lionheart did hundreds of years ago. Violence is the only thing muslims truly respect and fear. Any muslim."

I don't know about other places, but Texas is full of men who have overdosed on Mel Gibson and Bruce Willis action movies. We need these red-blooded, chest pounding, liberty-lovers in uniform.

1 comment:

  1. ahahaha...please leave bruce willis out of this...

    i actually already believed it was a myth that people thinking that way really existed...laughs

    if the muslims would get "kicked back into the stone age" they can be sure to meet close relatives of that guy...





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