Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Can I pick none-of-the-above ?

This is becoming a none-of-the-above election. As predicted, Rudi dropped out and John Edwards is looking for the exits. The hideous, repulsive lardass pictured above, the inflamed pimple on the ass of America, is said to be "beside himself" at the thought of McCain as lead dog in the Repub race. As noted earlier, that constitutes a sort of reverse endorsement and makes McCain slightly more palatable and less disgusting than he'd be otherwise. Willard has enough cash to stay in the chase for the long haul, but his act has worn thin with excessive Eddie Haskell-ism on constant display. Go away and leave me alone, Willard.

If you look at the political message boards online, Mrs. Clinton seems to have the loyal support of about half the Democrats and none of the Republicans. You do the math. I have, and it works out to an electoral college wipeout. Obama gets the support of the other half of the Democrats and I'm not seeing many Rs crossing over to vote for him. Wipeout.

If the rest of the country is as apathetic in November as I am tonight, we may see states being won by vote counts of 274-261 or 189-153. It may come down to which side is less turned off by its nominee. I don't know much about Michael Bloomberg, but I'd like to see him jump in as an independent just to jazz this thing up a little.

Added 7:32 pm on 30 Jan: One of life's small pleasures is checking out the real blogs on the internet which, unlike mine, have many readers and feature lively exchanges in their comment sections. Now and then, though, ideas get posted that make me stop and think and even worry a little bit. Here's an example: Somebody's tossing out the idea that Hucklebuck has cut a deal with McCain to stay in the race and siphon off votes that would otherwise go to Willard. This ensures that McCain wins the nomination, and in return, he chooses Hucklebuck as his VP running mate.

There are some weak spots in the theory, particularly the idea that Willard and Hucklebuck are competing for the same segment of the Repub voter population. Still, we can't escape that fact that McCain is in his 70s and has already been battling cancer. Suppose his health fails, and he can't make it through his first term. Do I want Hucklebuck out in the hall, waiting to take over ? I don't think so. It's probably just more typical internet bs, but still......

1 comment:

  1. I can't see Hucklebuck as Vice-President either. Mainly because of the baggage that comes from appealing to the sky pilots jabbering into heaven. McCain has a chance if he picks a good running mate.

    If you listened to Edwards carefully, he said he is "suspending" his campaign. He'll still be on the ballot on super Tuesday. If he garners enough delegats he'll be able to bargain his way into the vice presidency.





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