Thursday, October 3, 2024

So What? Who Cares?

Notified that VP Mike Pence was in serious danger during the 01/06/2021 riot at the Capitol, defeated pussydent (sic) Donhole Dumpster replied "So what?" 

Former pussydent (sic) Donhole Dumpster has spent the last four years whining and bellyaching about how the 2020 election was stolen from him by Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. He used his Stop the Steal concept to steal $250,000,000 from ignorant yahoos and goobers who spend time wishing they could be like him.

Special counsel Jack Smith and his team have prepared their case and will be ready to prosecute Donhole for the crimes he committed in 2020-21 as soon as MVP wins the coming election. Between now and November, evidence supporting the federal government's position that Donhole's January 6th felonies don't meet the extreme court's standards for pussydential (sic) immunity should get plenty of media attention. 

Other points that may be worth considering:

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Short Cuts & Short Questions

Former pussydent (sic) Donhole Dumpster is trying to run on both sides of every issue in the coming election, especially abortion and his Project 2025 agenda. Does the ignorant waste of shit really believe this approach can succeed?

It's been about 44 months since Donhole had the authority of a U.S. pussydent (sic) that could allow him to demand certain congressional actions. Do you think somebody should break the news to him?

Doesn't it seem weird that every time Donhole comments on America, he describes the nation as though it's one of the worst places on earth? He never has anything positive about U.S.A. on his mind.

Has Donhole ever been able to prove that any of his assertions are true? As a malignant narcissist, he believes human perfection automatically makes everything he says correct, just because.

If the conservative press organizations (corporate media) were all closed down immediately, wouldn't the positive results be substantially greater than any negative ones?

Saturday, August 17, 2024

It's Always Best To Be Prepared

TRashdUMP is basically ruled by dumpy old Dudu Assholini, the waste of turds who's only capable when it comes to skill as a con artist, ripping off all those MAGA morons who are too fucking stupid to pity.

Assholini can't win any elections honestly (without Russian interference), so he and his accomplices have been conspiring since 2021 to steal the election that will be won by Kamala Harris and Tim Walz in November. Being led by a hopeless mental case whose only major success was playing a business tycoon in a popular TV reality show years ago, the members of the conspiracy have made no effort to conceal their plans. This enables the smart people to organize the resources that will be needed to blow Assholini's election theft plans out of the water.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

The Game's On Now

 Last night I watched future VP Tim Walz deliver a speech to an arena full of Democrats in Pennsylvania, and it's easy to see why he appeals to the youngest generation of eligible voters. It will be great if several million of them vote for Harris/Walz in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia, Nevada and Arizona. It's still early in the game, but I'm fairly sure Tim Walz is gonna be one of those guys it's hard to dislike.

Tim Walz is the complete opposite of the Waste of Farts (W/F), who's easy to despise. I think young voters may watch Tim Walz and be reminded of their favorite high school teacher.

There are large numbers of former TRashdUMP voters who've gotten a bellyful of the Waste of Farts and his domination of what was once their Republican Party. Some of them are already involved with a Republicans for Harris movement, which could be the last straw when it comes to W/F's fading sanity.

It's obvious the Harris/Walz campaign is based on optimism, hope, and patriotism. The TRashdUMP campaign is based on pessimism, fear, and hatred. I know which of those I prefer.

Friday, July 26, 2024

She's Coming for Him

 When Joe folded his hand and MVP moved up with a pair of aces showing, the whole political environment changed for the Waste of Turds (W/T), who now has the forward momentum of a beached whale.

MVP has experience prosecuting criminals and she ain't even a tiny bit afraid of the Waste of Turds. People are ridiculing him and calling him chickenshit because he's inventing lame excuses for skipping the debate scheduled to be aired on ABC. 

Being treated as a joke is hard for a malignant narcissist, so he's in a panic after FBI Director Christopher Wray told a hearing the insignificant injury to W/T's right ear could have been caused by a shard of glass. I'd be willing to bet five bucks that no rifle bullet came within 0.75 inches of his head since he was playing golf without even a band-aid on his "wounded" ear the day after the shooting incident, and he's refused to produce any substantiating report(s) from the physician(s) who treated him.

W/T is generally considered a draft-dodging weakling whose aggressiveness is always directed against women, so he wants everyone to believe that surviving any type of minor head wound makes him heroic.

Watch the fate of J.D. Vance, who's getting a reputation as a serious liability instead of the asset W/T expected.

Friday, July 19, 2024


 Ever since the CNN debate, the political environment in this country has been a stinking mess, and I had almost quit trying to understand what's really going on among Democrats, and why these got-dam things are happening. Surely there's more to the story than one poor debate performance by Joe weeks ago.

As of today, thanks to Alexandria Ocasio Cortez (commonly known as AOC), the whole disaster is being explained. The villains in the scenario are:

  • the conservative press (CP, also referred to as mainstream media, MM) who are largely lined up behind the fucking Waste of Shit, and
  • a handful of corrupt congressional Democrats who are cooperating with the CP to keep public attention sharply focused on their effort to unload Joe Biden as the party nominee, and
  • another handful of unnamed wealthy donors who are applying financial pressure on the corrupt Democrats to dump Joe and keep the (D) party in chaos and uncertainty.

Some Democratic voters are optimistic that Kamala Harris would step into the position as soon as Joe announces he's done. They're kidding themselves because AOC, who's spent time witnessing the corrupt shit that's going on behind closed doors, has just revealed that the real conspiracy is intended to push out both President Biden and VP Harris, which would ultimately allow Dumpy Shitburger to run unopposed (which is also part of the Project 2025 agenda). The motherfucker and his fluffer (J.D. Vance) probably can't beat Joe and Kamala in a legitimate election, so just remove their names from  every ballot.

AOC deserves a lot of praise for being ready to jeopardize her political future to prevent her own party from destroying America.

Friday, July 12, 2024

Funky Friday Tidbits

 I have a habit of trying to write a few paragraphs every day at one of the blogs, and that usually means stating personal opinions about current controversial political issues.

When I eventually decide to end all my blogging activity, the reason will almost certainly be to avoid the anger and depression (mostly anger) over the got-dam crap I need to read to keep forming opinions to type out.

Prime Example Number I is the controversy created by the media over Joe Biden's performance in the single CNN debate in June. Somehow over the years, the Liberal Media that Republicans always criticized has been transformed into the Conservative Press (CP). The official CP position is that Joe is unelectable because of his age (81) and debate performance, and should remove himself as the Democratic nominee.

By all accounts, the Waste of Shit (age 78) made a farce out of the debate by ignoring the moderator's questions, lying constantly, and repeating the boring crap he's memorized for his MAGA pep rallies. There's plenty of video evidence that the W/S has disturbing cognition problems of his own, but nobody in the CP is insisting he should be removed as the MAGA nominee.

The best thing that's happened since the debate is the W/S insisting he isn't involved with Project 2025 in any way. Until he spilled out that huge lie, most voters (a) probably never heard of Project 2025 or (b) didn't know what it is. The W/S is already on his way to becoming totally unelectable himself. There's material accumulating that Joe can use to make Dopey Dog Sass the unelectable candidate. The questions that deserve and demand immediate answers are these:

  • If Joe Biden is unelectable, who can replace him as the completely electable party nominee?
  • Why is the CP trying to eliminate a guaranteed victory for the W/S now?
It shouldn't be impossible to make the W/S the unelectable candidate in the race. There are thousands of reasons to hate his ass. Has he ever done anything that wasn't intended to benefit him personally?




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