Sunday, February 23, 2025

Under Russian Ownership

Joe Conason has been near the top of my list of esteemed liberal journalists ever since 2000, when he and Gene Lyons published their book The Hunting of the President: The Ten-Year Campaign to Destroy Bill and Hillary Clinton, a thorough exploration of what Hillary referred to as "a vast right-wing conspiracy."

Joe Conason has written a good article in AlterNet about the long record of collusion between Donkey Wrecked 'em and Russia under Vlad Putin. Recommended as a refresher course on the issue that began before the 2016 election and spans a decade of TRashdUMP corruption that stinks a lot like treason.

Added 5:24 PM Sunday: DEI stands for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, and it's been driving MAGA Monkeys insane, to the point that Pussydents 47A & 47B have been pumping out executive orders and Elmo Mush directives prohibiting or abolishing DEI programs, plans or policies in schools, businesses, etc. The MAGA focus is now on something called The Great Resegregation, which rests on the principles that competent white men must dominate American society if things are going to work, and everything fails when white men are demoralized by the inclusion of women and minority groups in the social power structure.

Hey, Toad King, nearly every MAGA politician is a white male, and most of your base is white males. My own observation has been that white men who honor the Waste of Shit as their hero are all worthless assholes. Did you see video coverage of the January 6th riot, attempting to overturn the election, or any audience at a Toad King campaign pep rally? I sure as hell did.

Monday, February 17, 2025

Some Ironic Associated Pressure

Several years ago, I cancelled my subscription to the local newspaper because virtually all articles covering national or state politics that were printed originated at Associated Press (AP) and were slanted favorably toward conservative Republican politicians and policies. Now that I rely on internet sources for political news coverage, I see fewer AP stories, but those I skim still handle MAGA coverage gently, if not adoringly.

Pussydent 50% 47 (adjusted for co-star Elmo Mush) Donkey Wrecked 'Em enjoys fondling himself both physically and psychologically. He recently pleasured himself psychologically by ordering the re-naming of the Gulf of Mexico. He might have chosen "Trump Golf Gulf" - but went with "Gulf of America" instead (pretending to be a USA-loving patriot).

Ironically, Associated Press decided to stick with Gulf of Mexico in their reporting, which resulted in AP becoming outcasts in terms of White House media access despite nearly a decade of TLC in their featured stories about MAGA and the Waste of Turds.

Beware the Blob (29th Day)

Pussydent 50% 47 (adjusted for Elmo Mush as co-Pussydent) Wrecked 'Em posted the following alleged quotation on his Untrue & Antisocial media platform:

"He who saves his Country does not violate any Law."

This line was alleged to have been spoken by Napoleon Bonaparte in the 19th century, but it's possibly a line from a movie about the French dictator. In either case, it's additional proof that Wrecked 'Em is a dangerously-demented lunatic since he's never done a single thing that could possibly be construed as saving this country, but he's been indicted for violating the law a number of times, with more hopefully forthcoming as the wreckage increases.

Monday, February 10, 2025

Beware of The Blob (Day 22)

For the past few days the liberal alternate media have produced a lot of coverage about activity in various courts stopping many of Don Key Duhmp's executive orders from being implemented. Of course, with this much positive news, the same media are circulating speculative stories about Pussydent 47 creating a constitutional crisis by refusing to comply with judicial directives, and ultimately ending American democracy forever.

Here's the deal: If the goddamned MAGA trash and traditional Republicans had been patriotic enough to do the correct thing (convict Pussydent 45 the first time he was impeached by the House), then remove him from office, the illegal crud that P45 subsequently got away with probably wouldn't have happened  (the J6 coup attempt, the stolen classified documents), and his political career would have ended at the Pussydent 45 stage.

If  Don Key Duhmp is stupid and petulant enough to piss on rulings by state and federal courts that he's violating both the Constitution and relevant statutes, any remaining traditional Republicans should join Democrats in impeaching his worthless ass in the House, then removing him from office in the Senate. I believe most voters would support their defense of our freedom, and a warning would be clearly delivered to Shady JD Vance concerning activity that will or won't be tolerated.

Friday, January 31, 2025

Return of The Blob, Day 12

 Pussydent 47 (P47) has been assigned a new code name (Dangling Turd for DT), and he's feverishly enjoying a sexual fantasy about replacing each current federal civil service employee with an incompetent lunatic who obeys every order P47 issues without questioning its legality or morality.

As things stand at the moment, two federal employees needing immediate disposal are Dangling Turd and his butt boy, Shady JD Vance. Then we can clean up the rest of the mess he's making.

Added 11:47 AM Monday 2/3/25:

Pussydent 47 Dangling Turd  >> Kash Patel >> FBI >> US Gestapo

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Return of The Blob, Part III

 Are you feeling sick and needing to puke your guts out? Here's the solution you've been waiting for:

Another fucking MAGA moron, Rep. Andy Ogles of Tennessee, is preparing an amendment to the U.S. Constitution that overrules the 22nd amendment on presidential term limits, and would allow Don Old Toadfartz to be reelected in 2028 and serve a third term. We have an overwhelming glut of MAGA morons in Washington D.C. and most states, and we need to move at least 75% of these worthless dingleberries out of our way. They contribute nothing of any value to the nation, and their salaries and benefits are wasted tax dollars.

Added 11:54 PM ~ The Blob has been Pussydent 47 for less than a week, and he's already getting shot down by the courts. 

Added 11:44 AM Friday 1/24: Weirdo J.D. Vance, now the current VP, took what is probably his first intelligent position as an elected official, and now he's fucked.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Remembering Carnac the Magificent

Answer: His shit tastes and smells like orange marmalade. *

Question: Why do MAGA voters line up to lick Don Old Trump's asshole?

* That's what he told them anyway.

For some reason, I started thinking about the old days this afternoon, when Johnny Carson played a character named Carnac the Magnificent on the Tonight Show. Then this popped into my head.




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The less you know, the happier we'll both be.