Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Places you can't take your guns

Letters for Wednesday Dallas Morning News News for Dallas, Texas Opinion: Letters

"Re: 'Hutchison leads fight against D.C. gun control law,' Feb. 9 news story.

I think this is a swell idea as long as handguns are no longer banned in the halls of Congress, the White House and the Supreme Court. If the guns truly pose no danger, as our Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison and her friends say, then they should welcome everyone who wants to carry them.

It might make for more responsive government, too. But if guns remain banned because politicians don't feel safe, then why shouldn't the rest of us share in that safety?

John Tollefson, Dallas"

Usually, letters to the editors of the Dallas Morning News are copied into this blog so that I can ridicule the morons that wrote them and the noxious ideas they contain. Now and then, though, a letter makes it into print that conveys a thought I've had myself. Mr. Tollefson's is an example. Good for him, and thanks for getting my day off to a good start.

1 comment:

  1. the quote reminds me of how paradoxic the slogan "From my cold dead hands..." of the NRA actually is. not only that charleton heston's hands have probably been dead and cold for decades (...laughs), but what sense does it make to claim you will part only from your gun when you're dead, as the probability that you died by being shot because you have a gun is like 90%?





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