Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Q NOTES, DAY 247: Endless

The list of terrible things Cheez Doodle has done to damage or destroy the United States seems endless, because he adds something new every single day, either a new outrage or a variation on an old one. Near the top of the list would be this one: He has given authority to people like this Scott Atlas asshole.

Rudy Tootie wanted 20 grand per day to act as Cheez Doodle's lead attorney, representing him in bogus lawsuits to reverse the results of the election. That's easily 19,998 bucks more than he's worth.  

There's constant speculation that Cheez Doodle intends to pardon everyone who committed crimes while serving in his so-called administration, starting with himself and his rotten spawn, then working his way down the food chain. This will probably mean at least 100 pardons issued, more if he has to add members of Congress. And that tells us everything we need to know about his only term in office.

Louie Gohmert, whose very existence continues to shame and disgrace Texas A&M every day, urges MAGA zombies to initiate an armed revolution in the United States to protest the election.  I believe there should be laws against members of Congress provoking insurrections.

Daily Kos @ It's a crying shame that so many Democrats need to have things explained that should be obvious to anyone, such as why Joe Biden isn't going to waste his tenure as President getting even with or punishing Cheez Doodle for his many crimes.

We can add Dolly Parton's name to the long list of celebrities who would have been a much better president than Cheez Doodle

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