Monday, February 18, 2008

Reply to Lady Di

I'd be willing to bet crazy Ray (lazy Ray ? Lefty Ray ? Whatever.) didn't know that when he decided to try kicking my ass on my own personal blog, he would end up contributing to an increase in readership of about 300 percent, including a nice young woman from overseas. Now Lady Di, who describes herself in interesting terms and knows kayoz, has added her thoughts, and like her friend, seems to have classy instincts. Actually, Lady Di, the "Fertilizer Storage" blog is my third effort, a place where I hang out when I don't want to discuss football or reflect seriously on the events of my lifetime. There are links to the first two in the sidebar, but because of content decisions I made months ago, neither is as lively as this joint is turning out to be. I'm linking your blog in the same sidebar to repay your courtesy.

With luck, you won't attract the kind of folks who track in mud.

1 comment:

  1. (GASPS but definitely wipes feet on welcome mat once again)

    I did see the link to the other 2 Blogs as well in your profile. Jailbee?? Interesting. Anyhow, I usually read it (profile) to look for what the person is about and if they link more of their work since I am very new to Blogging.

    Of course I would not give credence to those I'll call "mudpuppies" as they aren't worth it but I've seen some people get what they so deserve and soooo.... I personally hope I don't have a war word battle anytime soon. Been there, done that.

    I think my Blog will bore people and they'll probably not bother. I'm sure the Georgia text and the colors are what'll ward them off rather quickly. (claps hands and dances her way on out in appreciation of reply).





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