Saturday, January 21, 2012


Newt Getrich rides a tide of redneck asshole enthusiasm to a win in South Carolina, and in the White House, Obama starts to think he might win in November after all.

When the clown parade began, there was one Republican in the race who might've made an excellent president (Huntsman), and one who looked like he could win an electoral landslide (Romney). The rest of the bunch were the greasiest assortment of lunatics and shitasses imaginable. Two of them, Cain and Bachmann, barely got off the starting blocks, and Perrito took his tumble this week. Leaving aside Pappy, who ought to be running on the Libertarian ticket, that left Gingrich and Santorum, who looked better than they are as long as Sugar Cain, Moochele, and El Perrito were getting publicity.

Republicans are pretty consistent, though. About 94 percent of the time, they'll choose the worst of the possible alternatives. Given a choice between pretty good and excellent, they'll take pretty good. Among fair, poor and incredibly goddamned rotten, they'll usually take incredibly goddamned rotten, especially in bean patches like South Carolina. The lower the average IQ in a state, the worse the Republicans winning elections will be. Bank on it... and that's why Gingrich won today.

Another thing about Republicans is their unshakable devotion to past glory. The worthless motherfuckers love to relive twenty years ago, which is why so many of them want to build public shrines to Ronald Reagan. Well, Newtie is about as twenty years ago as you can get.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent assessment! Glad someone else can articulate the nature of the circus called the Republican Party. Right on!





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